Wednesday, March 13, 2013

My Guilty Pleasures

*Sorry I've been away for so long! I promise I will try and get better over the next few weeks. Honestly, I just haven't been in the mood to blog (or really use social media) lately. However, I am getting back into the swing of expressing myself for all to see!*

So, I have to say first and foremost I have an addiction to products. It doesn't even matter what type of product either. I actually have about 10 products I need to review, so this weekend I will be super busy getting down and dirty with these yummy goodies, blogging, and possibly even making a few videos (finally)! 

Anyway, back to the topic at hand: my guilty pleasures... Here I will list my absolute favorite products from head to toe! Hope you enjoy.

Well, I didn't really know where to start; so we will start with my favorite hair products: 

So, I try many products to see how they work with my hair texture and I really find myself running back to Jane Carters Solution Hydrating-Invigorating-Shampoo over and over again. Now, that's not to say I don't like other brands because I do, but this is definitely my go-to product. 

 Naturally, after shampooing I need to condition my hair. While I know I have many favorites, Giovanni Cosmetics Smooth as Silk Deeper Moisture Conditioner makes me want to marry it! HAHA. Seriously, this leaves my hair feeling silky and NOT tangled.

Moving on to my face! So, I know I talk about using "natural" products and my volcanic ash; but I always find a way to use my St. Ives Naturally Clear Blemish and Blackhead Control Apricot Scrub. I used to use it all the time, and never had issues with acne; then I started to experiment... Needless to say, that experimenting leaves my face not so clear. 

Now, before you jump on my about this one, coconut oil can fight acne, delay wrinkles, combats dry skin/eczema/dermatitis/psoriasis/skin infections, prevents premature aging, and other diseases and ailments due to the antioxidant and  anti-fungal properties.  I try to stick with organic coconut oil, and recently I have fallen in love with the Dr. Bronner's Fair Trade and Organic Fresh Pressed Virgin Coconut Oil. Now, you can use this on your entire body, but I only use it on my face. 

While I don't wear makeup often, but when I do I tend to use Maybelline's Fit Me Foundation. I love how this foundation is light and blends so easily. I can wear it all day, and sometimes I forget that I have it on. Pretty good for a drugstore find!

Lips have become the latest craze, and while I have yet to see the hype in some more popular brands of lip balms; this one right here works for me! I love the tingling feeling I get when I use this, and how my lips feel smooth and awesome for some hours after use. Nivea USA actually has an awesome line of lip products and although they are a little bit more than your Carmex or Blistex, I think it is worth the extra dollar. 

Now let me reiterate, I do not wear makeup often; but this lipstick is so everyday! The good people over at MAC have a matte color called Honeylove, it's a nude color that is so simple yet perfect for day or night. Now, I suggest you try it on before you buy it, just because it is nude, doesn't mean it works for every complexion. 

When it comes to soap, I actually have two favorites that I can't live without. Dr. Bronner's Hemp Peppermint Pure Castile Soap and Nubian Heritage African Black Soap. So, I alternate between the two, I love the black soap because it has pieces of oat in it that help exfoliate the skin, and the peppermint soap makes you all tingly on the outside. However, they tend to leave your skin a little on the dry side. 

My next skin related guilty pleasure is the Butters-N-Bars Organic Mango Butter. I don't know where to start with this stuff. It leaves your skin feeling silky smooth and lasts all day! I have to thank Mama Naturalista for introducing me to this amazing-ness in a container. I generally use it after I get out the shower and my skin is still a little damp, and you can just feel it working. Definitely a great buy if you have dry skin. 

The last skin related guilty pleasure is the Sydelle Cosmetics Pampered Pits deodorant. I was first introduced to this line at an event by Dr. Andrene Taylor of Zuri Works, and at first I was skeptical about a natural deodorant. I tried it and I broke out! However, they are coming out with a line that doesn't have baking soda  (for those who are allergic, like me) and I must say I wouldn't go back to regular deodorant ever! It smells amazing and at the end of the day (even after working out) your armpits still smell pretty decent! Head on over to try a sample, they start at $1! 

My bonus guilty pleasure has to be Yogi Products Organic Teas! With the inspirational quotes, great flavors, and a tea for just about anything you need, besides loose tea, this is my absolute favorite brand! As I typed this blog, I sipped on the Skin DeTox tea. Try a bag on them! head on over to their site and get a free sample. 


Friday, January 4, 2013

Reflections of 2012

Hey loves!
        I know I have been a pretty horrible blogger, but I will get better this year. Last year was full of ups and downs, just like any year, but I am so grateful to be here in this moment to even be able to reflect period. My biggest accomplishment of the year was definitely graduating from college! As much as I just wanted to quit and throw in the towel, I pushed to the very end. Everyday, I wake up and look at my degree and smile; such a sense of I made it, even when others and myself said I couldn't. I will forever be proud of myself, and even happier when I decide on graduate school. Sometimes I still can't believe that I honestly did finished college and earned my degree.
        This year has also been an amazing year of meeting some super fabulous spirit-filled women. Although I haven't met many in person, tweeting them and reading their stories and following their journey's have made a positive impact on me. It is amazing how just getting a glimpse into someones life and how God has delivered them from their hell's gives me so much hope and passion to learn what The Lord has in store for me. Women like Heather LindseyJennifer LucyCorner Curl GirlRonne B., and many many more. Seeing these women in action really gives me the hope and inspiration that if I believe and trust, the sky is literally the limit. Following them has really opened my eyes and has helped my to see my Godly worth and not what the world says I am worth.
          I have also started to get to know myself a little better. I know my likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, what drives me, and what keeps me stagnant. Most importantly, I am learning my worth. Things I used to do, just to please others or to gain friends no longer appeal to me. People who aren't willing to or who don't want to live life The Lord's way bother me now, some even make my skin crawl. I have also realized that I am so much more than my past. 
        Although I didn't do nearly as much that I wanted to do last year, I can definitely say that I can't wait to see what will come this year. No resolutions, No hiding behind my shell. This is most definitely my year to excel and do great things! Stay tuned loves.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Starting my new year a month before everyone decides to make resolutions.

So let me be the first that I am one of many who makes resolutions, and by May rolls around I have forgotten all about what I said I wanted to do. This time I have to start putting things in place for my mental and physical health. While I tend to get discouraged and have a horrible habit of counting myself out before I can even prove that I can do something, I decided to take baby steps. So before the year ends, I have decided to at least make an effort to get healthier. Not on healthy as in my physical appearance, but healthier with managing my mental health. It's easy for me to internalize a situation and let it weigh on my mind until everything builds up and I can't take it and have a breakdown. However, that hurts me more in the process. Not only does it hurt me because I don't release those stressors, but the stress that I keep bottled up is killing me slowly. Granted I am still fairly young and ideally have a long life ahead of me, I really need to get things under control as best I can right now while I can and kinda want to. I say kinda because let's admit it: mental illnesses are so stigmatized that who really wants to admit that something is wrong... So I've decided that keeping that secret to myself doesn't really help the situation especially when I'm trying to move forward in my life with finding a career, and advocating for kids who don't have it. While mentally getting fit, I need not neglect my body anymore. I've been doing a good job of neglecting my health because when you are in the midst of an episode, lets be honest, the last thing on your mind is "Oh, let me get up, eat a well balanced meal, and work out". I've woken up many mornings wanting the day to be over, or my favorite, just lock myself in my room away from reality. Not healthy, but it works for me, and there are days where if I eat I'm doing good, and then there are days where all I want to do it eat. So, before the year ends I have to start holding myself accountable. No more pretending that everything is okay, no more beating myself up when a situation doesn't go how I want, no living in the past trying to change what has already happened, and definitely no more neglecting myself, and making excuses when the doctors don't understand why my health is rapidly declining.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

NYC New York Color Show Time Glitter Eyeliner

Okay loves, here is another Influenster College VoxBox 2012 review. So remember I told you this cute little box came with all types of goodies? Well one little piece of awesomeness was this cute little glitter eyeliner. I mean let's be honest, who doesn't love glitter or eyeliner? So the great people from NYC New York Color gave everyone a full sized product of their Show Time Glitter Pencil. The color I received was "Show Time black" which is a black glitter pencil. Now, I know what you are thinking... Clearly you are too old to be wearing glitter, but honestly; it isn't like when we were kids and we went overboard with the glitter. There is a subtle hint of the glitter within the liner. I love how easily it applied, and how easy I was able to blend and smear when I needed to. I don't have any pictures right now because it is after midnight, and my makeup has been removed for the day. I will update this post tomorrow with a picture so that everyone can see. All in all, I can definitely see myself using this product frequently. It is easy to wear for a formal event, of to jazz up your everyday makeup routine. 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

imPress Press On Manicure Review

So remember when I told you all that I received this awesome College Edition of VoxBox by Influenster? Well, I know I'm late but I wanted to share my experience with the imPress Press On Manicure. While I must say the design was extra cute, I was expecting much more for a nail product. The application of the product was very simple: match imPress nails to correct sized nails, clean nails with nail prep pad (alcohol pad), peel off plastic, stick to nail with firm press, apply thumb last. For all 10 nails I think the total application took maybe 10 minutes. While I was super excited at how cute they looked, I was skeptical because they were paper thin and slightly longer than what I like. So, I was able to sleep with them with no problem; even showered with ease. However, the trouble started when I began to do my hair. Now my hair isn't super kinky, however it is fairly curly. So as I began to comb through my hair, I can feel the nails bending and I can hear the glue popping. Within about five minutes the middle finger was the first to go. Needless to say by the time I got my hair tamed, gelled, and styled; I had about four casualties. Now, by no means am I saying that these nails are horrible, however, in my opinion, these aren't the best nails for women who are always on the go, and use their hands a lot. Here are some pictures though, see how cute the design was!

Right after the installation of the imPress nails 

Close up of the design

After Sleeping and Showering, but before doing my hair

I was excited that I received a free manicure that I brought one to gift to one lucky person!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Introduction to the First curlBOX Natural...

Sorry for taking so long guys...

Okay! So while I have been so excited to get my very first box, I slightly have a case of buyer's remorse. While I have received my box, opened it, and began to research products, I find myself not exactly happy with the products nor the forty dollars that I shelled out for it. While I have not used any products (as of yet), I want to introduce you all to what was in my box (remember, everyone didn't receive the same thing). There were nine (9) two ounce samples, and one full sized product. Naturally, because my hair is shorter, these samples should run me two-three uses; however those with longer hair may be able to get two uses. While the term natural means different things for different people, I choose to stick to more organic and natural products versus, those that use preservatives and other harsh ingredients. 

Doris New York MUD Minerals Pack Treatment

This is a treatment to be used after shampooing and before conditioning. The claims are that it will detoxify, strengthen, invigorate, and revitalize that scalp; restore much needed body and luster; strengthen and repair dry damaged hair; it is for all hair types, and is excellent for both natural and chemically processed hair. 

Shea Radiance Moisturizing Hair Milk with Shea Butter

Styling product. Claims to be lightweight, will eliminates frizz, leave hair soft and smooth, just the way you like it. 

Koils By Nature Ultra Moisturizing CocoAloe Deep Conditioner

Ultra-Moisturizing CocoAloe Deep Conditioner is excellent for to color treated hair or for those who apply heat to the hair.
Coconut oil is excellent for retaining moisture, preventing breakage and is a natural conditioning agent & silk protein provides a protective barrier that will add luster, body, & manageability provide extra moisture so that the hair feels soft and smooth.
Restoring all the Vitamins and minerals necessary for healthy hair.

Curls Cashmere Curl Jelly

for KINKY textured curlies
Formulated with certified organic Cashmere extract, this dream styler adds sheen, repairs overworked, damaged hair, and elongates tightly curled hair all lin one step! Ideal styler for curlies with tightly coiled textured tresses that are looking for remarkable sheen and added length. Works great with twist out, braid out, roller/straw sets, and other natural styles.

Heritage Cleansing Clay

Created with ancient Indian clay, our no-foam Cleansing Clay replaces your traditional shampoo and conditioner. It naturally detoxes the hair by gently removing dirt and oil while simultaneously detangling the hair and defining curls. No sulfates, parabens, detergents, or dyes.

Doris New York Leave in Conditioner

Yes it works! Finally a leave in conditioner that actually protects your hair and repairs split ends. After your shampooing and conditioning process, apply leave in conditioner generously to your hair. Massage throughout and style as desired. Again, the added moisture protects from sun damage, toxins and chemical processing but does not leave hair feeling oily or flat. Hate those split end fly aways? Well, our Leave In Conditioner will keep them tame while helping to repair the problem. Excellent for our natural girls!!! Try the Leave In Conditioner with the Olive Oil Hair Cream for a fabulous two strand twist! It's all you need! 

Hydrtherma Naturals Amino Plus Protein Deep Conditioning Treatment

Enriched with 10 Amino Acids! Notice a difference with just one use! This deep protein conditioning treatment strengthens the hair and prevents breakage. With just one use, you will see and feel a difference. This treatment contains an exceptional and unique complex of structurizing proteins, all of different molecular weights. These proteins penetrate deep within the hair shaft producing benefits like no single protein can. Enriched with 10 amino acids, vitamins and botanical extracts. Strengthens each hair strand and protects the hair from harsh weather. Also provides sunscreen protection. Your hair will look and feel terrific. Superb for all hair types. For best results, use with other Hydratherma Naturals brand products. Great Tip! Comb through with wide tooth comb before rinsing. Awesome detangler!!!! PH balanced. Paraben Free.

Anu Essentials Soft Set Gel

Our Soft Set Gel is chocked full of botanicals from nature. It offers a gentle and pliable hold and will not deplete your hair of essential moisture nor strip your hair of its natural oils. Great for a flexible hold and defining your natural curl pattern.

Doris New York Olive Oil Hair Cream

Doris New York Olive Oil Hair Cream was created to fight extreme dryness for Extra Tight Waves, Kinky Curls, Straight Pressed or Relaxed Hair. It is an excellent agent for color treated hair and for those that blow hair from wet to dry. Great partner to our Leave In Conditioner for that fabulous two strand twist! Check out our testimony section for a "how to" video demonstrating the use of the Olive Oil Hair Cream and Leave In Conditioner for the two strand twist style! It's all the rave!!
Leaves hair with a healthy shine while adding much needed moisture, vital nutrients and protection.

Blended Beauty Curl Styling Lotion

A leave-in styling lotion, and a moisturizing conditioner for medium textured curls. Tames and defines curls while moisturizing with aloe, shea butter and grapeseed oil. Leaves hair touchably soft. This lotion will moisturize, defrizz and give you definition, with soft hold all at the same time. For extra defrizzing and definition, use a little pudding on top.

Influenster College VoxBox 2012 Review!!!!

Hey loves!!!!

So remember a few weeks ago when I told you about this pretty cool and free program called Influenster... Well, after completing some surveys I was selected to receive the 2012 edition of the college VoxBox. So I got home today to find this little white box with my name and address on it. Being unsure what this small box could hold that would be vital to a busy college student, I was eager to open it. Upon opening the box, there is a little postcard sized breakdown of everything that is contained in this little box. The card gives the name of the product, pricing information, and a slight introduction to what each product is used for. So... Let's get into it!

Influenster College VoxBox 2012

So inside this little care package contained: a pack of imPRESS Press-on Manicure  in D030 Holla!; a NYC New York Color Show Time Glitter Eyeliner Pencil in Show Time Black; a pack of Necco® Tropical Wafers; a Pentel® EnerGel-X Campaign pen; and a pack of Energy Sheets® in mint boost flavor.

I'm very excited to start using these products and letting you all know what I think about them!

Stay Tuned...