Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Starting my new year a month before everyone decides to make resolutions.

So let me be the first that I am one of many who makes resolutions, and by May rolls around I have forgotten all about what I said I wanted to do. This time I have to start putting things in place for my mental and physical health. While I tend to get discouraged and have a horrible habit of counting myself out before I can even prove that I can do something, I decided to take baby steps. So before the year ends, I have decided to at least make an effort to get healthier. Not on healthy as in my physical appearance, but healthier with managing my mental health. It's easy for me to internalize a situation and let it weigh on my mind until everything builds up and I can't take it and have a breakdown. However, that hurts me more in the process. Not only does it hurt me because I don't release those stressors, but the stress that I keep bottled up is killing me slowly. Granted I am still fairly young and ideally have a long life ahead of me, I really need to get things under control as best I can right now while I can and kinda want to. I say kinda because let's admit it: mental illnesses are so stigmatized that who really wants to admit that something is wrong... So I've decided that keeping that secret to myself doesn't really help the situation especially when I'm trying to move forward in my life with finding a career, and advocating for kids who don't have it. While mentally getting fit, I need not neglect my body anymore. I've been doing a good job of neglecting my health because when you are in the midst of an episode, lets be honest, the last thing on your mind is "Oh, let me get up, eat a well balanced meal, and work out". I've woken up many mornings wanting the day to be over, or my favorite, just lock myself in my room away from reality. Not healthy, but it works for me, and there are days where if I eat I'm doing good, and then there are days where all I want to do it eat. So, before the year ends I have to start holding myself accountable. No more pretending that everything is okay, no more beating myself up when a situation doesn't go how I want, no living in the past trying to change what has already happened, and definitely no more neglecting myself, and making excuses when the doctors don't understand why my health is rapidly declining.


  1. Hi, Demetria. May i ask what mental illness you have? I discovered you on twitter and i tried to KIT with you on pinky promise alot. I'm Melvina.lol

    1. Hi Melvina! I apologize for just now responding, apparently my phone doesn't let me respond or post comments. My diagnoses are: Major Depressive Disorder (Dsythymia) with suicidal ideations; Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; General Anxiety Disorder (Panic attacks); a mild case of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder; as well as a cognitive delay.

  2. Oh. Ok. You are super courageous and brave to talk about it. I actually suffered for about 6 years with depression and suicidal thoughts. I also have anxiety issues that I'm currently overcoming through Christ Jesus. School truly causes alot of anxiety for me. It's overwhelming but i can do all things through Christ who stregnthens me. I have just been going back to my child and seeing what caused these things and then just reading alot of Christian books that have definitely helped. I've also been seeking Christ early in the morning and talking to.friends about things. Keep in touch. I have a blog it's called benotentangled.blogspot.com. You're in my prayers. :)
