Sunday, November 4, 2012

Why Black Girls Truly Rock..

So while everyone is watching "Black Girls Rock" tonight, I decided to express why we truly rock. Despite the fact that as a gender we have been oppressed, and still in someways we are still being oppressed. We have taken something so negative, and so demeaning and continue to smile and leave others perplexed. From 1501 when slavery was permitted to happen, to the Civil Rights Movement, to right now in this moment embracing all the strides we have made as a culture. While the media would love for us to believe that we all behave like we belong on Bag Girls Club or the latest installment or Real Housewives, or Love and Hip-Hop; however there are everyday super heroins who make life a little more bearable for us common women just trying to fit in. I appreciate Beverly Bond for creating her organization that encourages young Black girls to love themselves and know that no dream is impossible to achieve. To showcase that what the media portrays is just a small sample; but that we have amazing women who came from nothing and live to help build up other strong beautiful women. Coming from a underprivileged background is no longer an excuse to sit back and think that our voices aren't being heard. Someone somewhere is waiting to hear our story and waiting to be inspired by what we have to say. Beverly Bond showed us that you don't have to be a millionaire, or be a movie star; you can just be a young girl from the inner city who has had enough and want a change. It doesn't take money to rock, you can rock with your words. Even if you think that no one is watching, there is always someone there, and even the smallest thing (a smile, a few kind words, taking the time to acknowledge them) could make a difference. In the past few months I have met some amazing women of color who definitely rock, making a difference, mentoring, educating, spending time. To show the world that we can grab the attention of everyone without being naked, loud, unintelligent, or drama-filled; shows our future girls that there is nothing wrong with embracing our intelligence and our God-given talents. For this we rock. Women like Corner Curl GirlDiamond Sisterhood, and others will forever rock because of their commitment to young girls. 

1 comment:

  1. You are too sweet! Thanks for including me! You rock, my dear!! :)
