Friday, January 4, 2013

Reflections of 2012

Hey loves!
        I know I have been a pretty horrible blogger, but I will get better this year. Last year was full of ups and downs, just like any year, but I am so grateful to be here in this moment to even be able to reflect period. My biggest accomplishment of the year was definitely graduating from college! As much as I just wanted to quit and throw in the towel, I pushed to the very end. Everyday, I wake up and look at my degree and smile; such a sense of I made it, even when others and myself said I couldn't. I will forever be proud of myself, and even happier when I decide on graduate school. Sometimes I still can't believe that I honestly did finished college and earned my degree.
        This year has also been an amazing year of meeting some super fabulous spirit-filled women. Although I haven't met many in person, tweeting them and reading their stories and following their journey's have made a positive impact on me. It is amazing how just getting a glimpse into someones life and how God has delivered them from their hell's gives me so much hope and passion to learn what The Lord has in store for me. Women like Heather LindseyJennifer LucyCorner Curl GirlRonne B., and many many more. Seeing these women in action really gives me the hope and inspiration that if I believe and trust, the sky is literally the limit. Following them has really opened my eyes and has helped my to see my Godly worth and not what the world says I am worth.
          I have also started to get to know myself a little better. I know my likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, what drives me, and what keeps me stagnant. Most importantly, I am learning my worth. Things I used to do, just to please others or to gain friends no longer appeal to me. People who aren't willing to or who don't want to live life The Lord's way bother me now, some even make my skin crawl. I have also realized that I am so much more than my past. 
        Although I didn't do nearly as much that I wanted to do last year, I can definitely say that I can't wait to see what will come this year. No resolutions, No hiding behind my shell. This is most definitely my year to excel and do great things! Stay tuned loves.