Sunday, October 28, 2012

Starting Fresh

While I have been on this natural hair journey for a few years now, this year I decided to do a big chop (for me anyway)! I went to a salon and asked for a short bob. While afterwards I loved how my hair looked, once I wet it I began seeing problems. For one, my hair was lopsided. Like one side is about 2-3 inches shorter than the other. My second concern was that I didn't have the same wavy texture I had grown accustom to, I now had this super curly hair. What was I supposed to do?!?!?!?!? After a long debate with myself, I decided to ride out my hair insecurities. While I have grown to love my curls, I have grown to learn more about this evil thing called shrinkage. During this time I have also become somewhat of a "Product Junkie," I would buy any and everything that someone suggested (trust me, I broke my pockets many times). I would say within three months I would easily spend hundreds of dollars in this product or that product, and this creme that is supposed to moisturized, etc. Needless to say, majority of these products did more damage than good. I also began to watch YouTube on a more consistent basis and started taking what products I used seriously. So I stopped buying my semi-cheap products and started replacing them with organic and natural products. Then, it was Shea butter, you had to use it if you were natural. Well, I quickly learned that Shea butter was not my hair's friend. I also began to invest in natural oils, and playing around with them to see what worked for me. So fast forward to now, My hair is almost at my shoulder and I am still learning what works and what doesn't for me! Sit back and let's take this journey together!